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Love the Thunder?

Early reviews are in for Marvel's Thor: Love and Thunder and critics are split with it earning a low for the MCU 71% critic rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Our having generally found its trailers to be underwhelming, we're not entirely surprised.

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Stargate Speculation

Stargate SG-1's 25th anniversary is fast approaching - July 27 - and we've speculated that with MGM now owned by Amazon, if they are planning to revive the series, that would be an attractive date for the announcement.

Yesterday YouTube in it's algorithmic wisdom presented us with a video claiming to have inside news on that front.

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Star Wars Unhinged

If you thought Star Wars couldn't top a $6000 (US) a weekend LARP for merchandising madness, you might want to grab a drink for this one.

But not their new one, which will set you back $5000 (US).

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Wife Cancelled

HBO have cancalled The Time Traveler's Wife in its first season which The Hollywood Reporter details only drew a small crowd.

With a 38% / 85% critic / viewer Rotten Tomatoes score, based on an extremely low 286 viewer ratings, possibly it's good for what it is but not something a lot of people want to watch.

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Edgerunners Credits

Netflix's upcoming animated Cyberpunk: Edgerunners series is one we've been eager to see for quite some time.

Its credits? No. But that's what Netflix have published as a promotion.

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For All Mankind S4

Apple haven't officially renewed their Ronald D. Moore series For All Mankind but Production Weekly which publishes data for entertainment works has listed:


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Thor Trailers

Familiar with the promotional proclivities of film studios approaching the release of blockbuster titles, we've been putting aside the Thor: Love and Thunder trailers to post together.

Team, Classic, Journey.

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No Name Trivia Show

And now for something completely different.

What began as an Australian lockdown Facebook trivia group with a bit of a sci-fi leaning has gone global as a weekly show that still includes but isn't limited to trivia.

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Stranger Breakings

The second volume of season four of Stranger Things released this week and may have temporarily broken Netflix as eager fans tried to stream it.

Of more interest though is the series breaking a Nielsen record of 7.2 billion minutes viewed in a single week (May 30 - June 5).

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EA Insults Singles

Electronic Arts make most of their money from live-service games, i.e. ones which require internet connectivity and players to log into a multiplayer server.

For the blessing of multiplayer - which isn't offered only by live-service games - many companies expect players to cough up extra money to buy digital products from their store.


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