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Boldly Going Nowhere
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According to Hollywood Reporter, the long dispute over use of Seussian language in a Star-Trek Dr. Seuss mash up has been resolved by settlement.

That settlement being permanent injunction on the work entitled Oh, the Places You’ll Boldly Go! in exchange for abandonment of pursuit of financial damages.

Early rulings had seemingly favoured the mash up in what appeared to represent a shift in interpretation of the fair use test. But on appeal those were reversed last year. In August this year the court denied Seuss a summary judgement.

We have to applaud Hollywood Reporter for their article title: ‘Star Trek,’ Dr. Seuss Mashup Dispute Ends After 5-Year Legal Journey.


Gardner, Eriq (October 5, 2021). ‘Star Trek,’ Dr. Seuss Mashup Dispute Ends After 5-Year Legal Journey. Hollywood Reporter.