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Discovery Exits Netflix
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Deadline report that a deal has just been struck for Star Trek: Discovery to leave Netflix as of midnight (US) tonight.

It won't become available on Paramount+ globally until next year.

On Netflix season 4 was due to be released on November 18. It will still release on Paramount+ in the US on schedule.

The deal under which the series was initiated saw Netflix provide the bulk of production funding in exchange for streaming rights outside of the US and Canada.

With the expanding number of streaming services and those each understandably clawing back the rights for series under their banner, Paramount reclaiming Discovery at some point was expected.

But this sudden withdrawal just a few days before season 4 was due to release is a huge surprise.

Fan reaction to the series was not entirely positive. Netflix may not consider this title worth keeping.

Netflix have also just launched a site which lists their top 10 titles each week.

CBS / Paramount have never released viewing figures for Discovery. Had they not left Netflix immediately, the truth about Discovery's popularity or possibly lack thereof would have been indisputable.

Either it would have been in the top 10 and with actual viewer numbers.

Or not in the top 10 at all.

[ Main Image: Star Trek Discovery. Credit: CBS via ]


Patten, Dominic (November 16, 2021). ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Exits Netflix Tonight; Set For 2022 Launch On Paramount+ Globally. Deadline.

Star Trek (November 17, 2021). To our international #StarTrekDiscovery fans... Twitter.